1- Would you like to tell us about the concepts you are experimenting in your paintings?
The ancient knowledge of the hidden history of the world is to reveal a universal language by coding sensational issues that can touch the nerve endings of the world with a bold and aesthetic language, geometric, mathematics and symbolic infrastructures in a way that will connect the present world and the science fiction world of the future.
2- What are the ongoing projects and what innovations will they present?
2-In my new works, I am preparing a series on the creativity of artificial intelligence with its intelligence and creativity that believes our perception of reality changing with the technologies of the future such as VR and AI.
3- What do you think about an artist's social commitment?
Politicians lie to cover the truth, and artists lie to show the truth.(V for Vandetta)
4- What is your relationship with the market and how do you judge it?
Of course, it is nice to be noticed and appreciated by domestic and foreign collectors day by day, but it will be inevitable that my works will make a great impression when you reach larger collectors.
5- Your dream in the drawer?
In this period of radical changes in the world, the geography I live in reveals a huge artistic potential and I am preparing original works by using radical creativity that can only come out of such an environment.
6- What are the contemporary artists you appreciate the most?
Alaattin Aksoy in Turkey, Nicola Verlato and Bryan Larsen in style around the world
7 - What events are you planning?
I have an exhibition project as a social responsibility project and also my paintings will be exhibited in Contemporary Istanbul and Grand Palais in Paris