1- Would you like to tell us about the concepts you are experimenting in your paintings?
Extraterrestrials / Unseen World / Secret Messages
2- What are the ongoing projects and what innovations will they present?
Trying to protect the lost traditions and culture of world through my art.
3- What do you think about an artist's social commitment?
As we all know day by day art is fading from our eyes, people loosing their talents in this digital world. We are turning to a electronic society of human robots.
4- What is your relationship with the market and how do you judge it?
I dont think about sales when i do art. for me concept is important than art market.
5- Your dream in the drawer?
I realize all my dreams through my art.
6- What are the contemporary artists you appreciate the most?
I dont follow any artists and i am not aware of who is the best.
7 - What events are you planning?
I am working to build a art institution of unknown artists who works on their countries traditions and culture.