Hiba Khamlichi
1- Would you like to tell us about the concepts you are experimenting in your paintings?
The concept in my art, I did not create it but I discovered it over the years in my paintings as long as I had started to paint very, very young. Critics of art from different backgrounds agree that in my paintings all antonyms can live in harmony, past and future, suffering and joy, freedom and censorship, tradition and modernity, seriousness and irony... Also I had discovered late at the age of 14 with the help of a great expert in plastic arts that I was working unconsciously with the number of gold and the sequel to Fibonacci, since then I continue my research to discover the famous Fibonacci code.
2- What are the ongoing projects and what innovations will they present?
Currently, I am working on for major projects: The first, I started to pay tribute to Arab women, by choosing a Diva from each country, and to make her portrait by drawing inspiration from her history and her achievements, the first work of the series is "Asmahane" of Syria (see attached), the second, a set of works in 3 dimensions, based on clay and various forms, painted with well studied colors and shapes. (See the first 3 realizations here Joined), the 3rd is to inspire me of an old international game to create a new game with new illustrations inspired by the local tradition. And right now, I’m on a fourth project, which is to create and sell a dozen works at auction to help build a school for needy children. This is the "I" series (see the first works made herewith), while leaving room for other achievements that come up from time to time and are not programmed, I don’t even think what I’m going to paint neither before nor in the middle of creation, I leave the responsibility to my hands and knives.
3- What do you think about an artist's social commitment?
The social commitment of an artist for me is a priority, moreover, since my youth, I received a very generous education in this sense, and now, as an adult I continue with great pleasure and above all a great commitment.
4- What is your relationship with the market and how do you judge it?
We have a Manager, he is the responsible, and he knows more than us the market. So I can't judge it. Because we are painting just because we love it.
5- Your dream in the drawer?
My dream, first, is to continue in my cause that I started with my sister Ghita, it is to continue to help sick or needy children, those who have less chance of us and those with whom life was hard. On the Artistic level, I have several dreams and several projects in my head, I can’t quote them all here, I can’t even rank them by priority because I love them all.
6- What are the contemporary artists you appreciate the most?
Niki de Saint Phalle, Takashi Murakami and Ghita Khamlichi
7 - What events are you planning?
I am preparing several exhibitions, for 2020 and 2021, but the most atypical one will be dedicated to an exhibition in August 2020 in a former Portuguese city and his works will be almost all in round form inspired by the place of the exhibition